Exceptional Tuition and Resumes


At Exceptional Tuition and Resumes we can prepare you for your upcoming interviews if you are a new nurse, a graduate nurse or an international student or experienced nurse (overseas) and would like to build your confidence for your first nursing job or graduate program interview in Australia.
If you want to train for any nursing job interview in general (in case you acquire multiple nursing interviews), our pre-interview training will cover questioning skills and general interviewing tips.
We will also send you a list /video of other interview tips to help you after the interview.
  • $150 - duration 1 hour
  • Interview training available anytime Monday to Friday
  • Training available one-on-one via phone interview, WhatsApp or Skype


If you gain an interview for a specific position you have applied for please send through the job description, person specification (if they have one - this is a document which describes the specific personal qualities / personality an ideal candidate has) and any other documents related and we will run a mock interview based on this specific role. We will also send you a list /video of other interview tips to help you after the interview.
  • $150 - duration 1 hour
  • Interview training available anytime Monday to Friday
  • Training available one-on-one via phone interview, WhatsApp or Skype
For all enquiries please contact our team via email at or phone 0407 032 026